Monday, March 30, 2015

Tri With All Your Heart – Welcoming Quintana Roo To The Family!

I didn’t know it then, but throughout my career I’ve been preparing to be a professional triathlete.  Even as an age group athlete, I spent my hard earned cash to custom embroider my shirts with logos.  I read every blog from those who made the leap and those who had been established for years, and I dreamed of a day when I could ride my bike for a living.  The “for a living part” wasn’t much I understood, but I knew there were people who seemed to be making it work and they were fast and happy.  
 St. Croix May 2008, 3rd Half Ironman - Note: My custom embroidery!

It’s been ten years since I learned to swim, got my first hand-me-down bike and started out in this crazy mess that has become my triathlon career.  Ten years feels like long time to spend at mastering something, but when you look at the Mozarts and Michelangelos of the world, it’s a drop in the bucket.  Technically, I’m in my infancy.  

I’ve been very lucky to have people who have believed in me from the get-go.  From my husband, Kyle, to my friends and family, I consider those around me “my team” who without, none of this is possible.  They truly are my support system, but so much more.  In addition, I’ve been lucky enough to encounter individuals that share my same core beliefs.  They realize the value of helping others and investing in one another for the mutual benefit.   These are people who want to leave this world a little better than how they found it and create a ripple effect that impacts as many people as possible.  

I’m extremely careful who I form these bonds on a business level because the company and their products are an extension of me.  I can’t get behind something I don’t personally believe in using and promoting.  With that said, I’ve been extremely happy with my decisions thus far and this latest addition to my “team” is no exception.  I’m proud and honored to say this year I’ll be riding a Quintana Roo PR six with the support of their amazing company and affiliation with QT2 Systems Coaching.  I’ve been interested in making this shift for quite some time, but the timing had to be right.  We’ve finally reached that place and I couldn’t be more excited about putting this fine steed to the test very soon at Ironman Taiwan. 

I’ve met the owners, Peter, and his wife, Lorraine.  I’ve also had personal contact with Brad, the man behind the design.  These people are truly invested in the comfort, reliability, customer service and product quality for every person who rides a QR bike.  They process every bit of useful feedback, using it to improve things for the athlete experience.  I’m elated to know I have a face behind the brand name that I can call upon to provide real lasting changes.  They are sincere folks who want their athletes to do well and be happy in the process.  It matters to me how a company conducts themselves, and I’ve seen a very high level of professionalism and attention to detail that makes me feel great about the upcoming journey. 

Thank you in advance to them for their support this year.  It means so much to me as an athlete and a person.  I’m happy to converse with anyone about the way this new bike feels and rides. I haven’t been outside much on it yet (the PA weather has NOT been cooperating!).  However, I hope this week that will change and I can get in a few rides with my new Di2 Ultegra Shimano shifting.  This will be a first for me and so far from what I’ve experienced on the trainer it is SO smooth and so seamless.  I think the transition will be very easy and will make a world of difference having it available on both the aero bars and the brake levers.  

Finally, an important piece for all of us tri geeks, I LOVE the way it looks! The flat black paint with red accents is really sleek and the overall look of the design is just fast and aero.  I can’t wait to get outside and do some climbing and descending to see how it handles and really feel comfortable before I race it for 112 miles in two weeks in a country half way around the world! 

Thank you to QR for your support of the QT2 systems team, and me personally!  Thank you to Shimano for your support as well.  

Looking forward to a great year on a new FAST machine!! 

As always, I couldn't do this without the support of my 2015 sponsors!

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